Homework 4: Masking and Image Composting

Climate Change

It can be undoubtedly argued that climate change is a predominant global threat facing today’s younger generation and that of the future. The image composition presented here is therefore an effort to portray one of the many outcomes imposed by the issue and impediments that often slow down any effort to alleviate the risks of global warming.

After setting the dimensions of the background to 5x7 inches on Adobe Photoshop, I gathered images with creative commons license and created four different layers, each holding a symbolic value to communicate the magnitude of the issue. The first layer serves as a background of a dry patch of land which represents some of the natural calamities such as droughts and scarcity of water shaped by unstoppable run of an industrial society, which is iconised by the second layer of pipelines at the upper left part of the frame. The pipeline layer was then subjected to masking in order to smoothen the edges and remove the image’s background. Following that, I decided to add a masked image of a dollar bill on the lower right corner to represent lobbying efforts made by carbon emitting industries. All three layers were blended with luminosity. The final element or layer was a dry leaf which in context to the composition’s aim is intended to add a sense of irony considering how an uncontrolled industrial society has endangered a variety of flora and faunas. Using the image selection tool, the leaf element was placed at the center, a mask was created, and filled with solid red after adding linear light blend.
